Enjoy the work that we do at the IBRC? Want to help support us in our mission to investigate the relationships between human injury and physical mechanical properties? Want to support student development and education?
Student development and education
While our students learn many things through their courses at Ohio State and with hands-on research in the IBRC, your donations will help to further the education, training, and certification opportunities for our students, helping to make them better prepared for whichever path they pursue after graduation. Learn more about some of the trainings our students have completed below.
Student Research Travel
The IBRC has many connections to other research labs, companies, and universities throughout the world. Your donations help to bolster collaborations both locally and abroad by allowing our students to experience research first-hand at other institutions and conduct collaborative research studies.
Student Conference Travel
Help support our students travel to present their research at the top research conferences in our fields. Presenting at research conferences helps our students to gain essential presentation skills while communicating IBRC research directly to other researchers, medical professionals, and industry partners across the world. Students who have the opportunity to attend these conferences not only gain valuable feedback on their work but are able to forge new connections and expand their perspective on the fields of injury biomechanics, safety, and forensic anthropology. Conferences our students regularly attend include: