Welcome to the IBRC!
About Us
The Injury Biomechanics Research Center (IBRC) at The Ohio State University is a multi-disciplinary research center dedicated to investigating the relationships between human injury and physical mechanical properties. The IBRC has completed research in the field of automobile safety for the last 15 years. The IBRC brings together an interdisciplinary team of engineers, anatomists, anthropologists, physicians, computer modelers and technicians, who focus on both mechanisms of injury and injury thresholds of the human body. The Injury Biomechanics Research Center has the capabilities to test with both anthropomorphic test devices (crash test dummies) and post-mortem human subjects. The IBRC works closely with several departments of Ohio State and many government and industry partners to offer one of the most diverse testing facilities in the country.

Our Research
[fb_social_stream]Upcoming Events
10/15 - 10/18
AAAM 63rd Annual Scientific Conference
Madrid, Spain
11/11 - 11/13
63rd Stapp Car Crash Conference
San Antonio, TX
Autumn Undergraduate Research Festival
Columbus, Ohio
11/20 - 11/23
Orlando, Florida
12/5 - 12/6
Protection of Children in Cars International Conference
Munich, Germany
1/22 - 1/24
SAE Government/Industry Meeting
Washington DC
2/17 - 2/22
Anaheim, CA
Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
Columbus, OH
3/15 - 3/17
Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities
Tampa, Florida
4/21 - 4/23
Detroit, MI