
A recent epidemiological study conducted by researchers at the IBRC has shown that abdominal injuries account for nearly five percent of all injuries that occur during motor vehicle collisions (MVC) and rank in the top five compared to all body regions. Abdominal injuries caused by MVCs may be life threatening, especially due to the lack of early symptoms which leads to a late diagnosis. In order to prevent injury to the abdomen, researchers at the IBRC are investigating mechanisms of abdominal injury by simulating dynamic crash situations using post-mortem human subjects (PMHS) and anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) in a laboratory setting. Additionally, finite-element simulations are being performed to further understand the mechanical response of the abdomen under various loading modes.

Current research is focused on evaluating abdominal injury risk in vulnerable occupants such small females and elderly occupants. Previous work has investigated responses of 50th percentile male PMHS and ATD subjected to abdominal loading using rigid impactor and seatbelt mechanisms, leading to the development an injury risk function based on vascular pressure.

Recent Publications & Presentations

Biofidelity Evaluation of THOR 5th Percentile Female ATD

Z Wang, E Lee, J Bolte, J Below, B Loeber, R Ramachandra, B Greenlees, D Guck

International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury at Athens, Greece (2018).

Abdominal Biofidelity Assessment of 50th Percentile Male and 10-Year-Old ATD Responses Relative to a Recently Developed Belt-Loading Corridor

Rakshit Ramachandra, Yun-Seok Kang, Alena Hagedorn, Jason Stammen, John Bolte IV

International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury at Antwerp, Belgium (2017).

Biomechanical Responses of PMHS Subjected to Abdominal Seatbelt Loading

Rakshit Ramachandra, John Bolte, Yun-Seok Kang, Jason Stammen, Kevin Moorhouse, Alena Hagedorn, Rodney Herriott

Stapp Car Crash Journal (2016).