J. Ash, C.D. Bass, R. Salzar, A. Ziemba, S. Lucas, University of Virginia; R. Peterson, E. Pierce, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Design and Development of a Multi-axis Spine Testing Machine with Some Preliminary Test Data
A. Belwadi and K.H. Yang, Wayne State University
Influence of Pre-crash Bracing on Impact Energy Distribution in a Car Occupant
D. Bose, C.D. Untaroiu, J.R. Crandall, University of Virginia
Contusion Mechanics: A Minimum Tolerance Test
G.T. Desmoulin, Wayne State University; G. Anderson, Simon Fraser University
Weight, Center of Gravity and Principal Moments of Inertia of the Human Body
H.L. Gallagher, Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education (ORISE) and Wright State University; C.B. Albery, General Dynamics, AIS; J. Bolte, IV, The Ohio State University
Rear Impact Human Body and Car Seat Models for Whiplash Injury Mitigation
S. Himmetoglu, M. Acar, A. Taylor, K. Bouazza-Marouf, Loughborough University
PMHS and ATD Chin Impact Biofidelity Testing
Y.S. Kang, J. Shaw, The Ohio State University; J. Stammen, B. Donnelly, NHTSA Vehicle Research and Test Center; J.H. Bolte, The Ohio State University
Head Injury Risk Associated with Falls from Standing in Children and the Influence of Joint Stiffness
A. Knight, G. Bertocci, M. Clyde Pierce, N. Campbell-Kyureghyan, University of Louisville
Comparative Performance of Pediatric ATD Necks in Simulated Frontal Crashes
S. Latman, Z. Simonis, J. Saffioti, J. Kadlowec, Rowan University; K. Arbogast, M. Maltese, Center for Injury Research and Prevention, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Material Properties of Calcifying Costal Cartilage
A. Lau, M.W. Kindig, R.W. Kent, University of Virginia
Bone Density Variation Throughout the Body
J. Michaelson, R.W. Kent, University of Virginia
Characterization of Time-dependent Mechanical Response of Liver Tissue
B. Suntay, J. Sparks, J. Bolte, IV, R. Dupaix, The Ohio State University
Development of a Lower Extremity Finite Element Model to Study the Effects of Muscle Forces on Knee-Thigh-Hip Injury in Frontal Crashes
C.Y. Chang, J.D. Rupp, N. Kikuchi, L.W. Schneider, University of Michigan
Impact Biomechanics of a Computational Pregnant Occupant Model
V. Esat,D. W. van Lopik, B. Serpil Acar, M. Acar, Loughborough University
Numerical Investigations of Factors Affecting Neck Injuries During Rollover Crashes and a New Concept for Rollover Neck Protection
J. Hu, C.C. Chou, K.H. Yang, A.I. King, Wayne State University
Mechanism of Cervical Spinal Cord Injury During Bilateral Facet Dislocation
P.C. Ivancic, A.M. Pearson, Y. Tominaga, A.K. Simpson, J.J. Yue, M.M. Panjabi, Yale University
Methodology for Assessing the Force Response and Kinematics of an Eviscerated Ribcage Undergoing Anterior Loading
M.W. Kindig, J.L. Forman, A.G. Lau,R.W. Kent, University of Virginia
Injury Mechanisms in Belt Restrained Children in Side Impact Crashes
C.M. Locey, Drexel University; J.S. Jermakian, K.B. Arbogast, M. Nance, M.R. Maltese, Center for Injury Research and Prevention, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Effects of Variable Helmet Weight on Human, Gender-specific Response During Frontal GX Impact
G.C. Roush, Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education (ORISE); J.R. Buhrman, E.J. Doczy, Air Force Research Laboratory; S.E. Mosher, Advanced Information Engineering Services
3-D Graphical Representation of the PMHS Cervical Spine During Low-speed, Rear-end Impacts Using a Combination of CT Scans and High-speed X-rays
N.A. White and K.H. Yang, Wayne State University
Effect of Orientation on Measured Failure Strenghts of Thoracic and Lumbar Spine Segments
S.V.Yalla, D. Burnett, N.H. Campbell-Kyureghyan, University of Louisville