M. R. Agah, K. Laksari, K. Darvish
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Temple University
Multivariate injury risk criteria for fractures to the distal radius
T. Burkhart1,2, C. E. Dunning1, D. M. Andrews2
1Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Western Ontario; 2Department of Kinesiology, University of Windsor
Assessment of ear- and tooth-mounted accelerometers as representative of human head response
J. J. Christopher1, R. Salzar1, M. Sochor1, J. Pellettiere2
1Center for Applied Biomechanics, University of Virginia; 2Federal Aviation Administration
Design and development of a surrogate bruising detection system to describe bruising patterns in children
R. Dsouza, G. E. Bertocci
Injury Risk Assessment and Prevention (iRAP) Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Louisville
Validation of spherical indentation methodology to characterize material properties of brain tissue
L. Gabler1, J. Crandall1, R. Salzar1, M. Shafieian1, J. Stone2
1Center for Applied Biomechanics, University of Virginia; 2Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging Division of Interventional Radiology, University of Virginia
Comparison of the compressive response of the 50th% Hybrid III ATD thorax utilizing nonparametric system identification techniques
K. Icke1, K. Moorhouse2, J. H. Bolte IV1
1The Ohio State University Injury Biomechanics Research Lab; 2National Highway Traffic Safety
Differences in lower extremity geometry with gender, age, stature, and BMI
K. Klein1, J. Rupp2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan; 2University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
Quantifying mechanical properties of liver tissue using specimen-specific finite-element models and optimization techniques
Y.-C. Lu, A. R. Kemper, C. D. Untaroiu
Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University, School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences
Development and preliminary validation of chestband data from a full body finite element model
A. Rhyne1,2, N. A. Vavalle1,2, D. P. Moreno1,2, J. D. Stitzel1,2, F. S. Gayzik1,2
1Wake Forest University School of Medicine; 2 Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University Center for Injury Biomechanics
Material properties of brain tissue under complex shear and compression loading
M. Shafieian1, K. Laksari2, K. Darvish2, J. Crandall3
1University of Virginia, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; 2Temple University, Department of Mechanical Engineering; 3University of Virginia, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Modeling the effects of microgravity on proximal tibia bone stiffness in mice
C. Smith1, A. G. Lau2, E. W. Livingston2, L. C. Bowman2, T. A. Bateman2
1North Carolina State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering; 2University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Biomedical Engineering
Sex differences in unconstrained transverse plane kinematic response under compression simulated muscle forces
S. C. Wordeman, C. E. Quatman, A. Kiapour, , R. C. Ditto, V. Goel, C. K. Demetropoulous, T. E. Hewett
The Ohio State University
Finite element analysis of the injury potential of shock-induced compressive waves on human bone
A. M. Bailey1, S. Boruah1, J. J. Christopher1, M. Shafieian1, R. S. Salzar1, D. S. Cronin2
1University of Virginia; 2University of Waterloo
High rate behavior of the cervical spine segments
J. Barker, N. Chandrashekar, D. Cronin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo
Biomechanical response of the pediatric ankle
L. Boucher, A. Chaudhari, J. H. Bolte IV
The Ohio State University
Follower load influences the kinematics and kinetics of cervical spine buckling during simulated head first impact: an ex vivo study
C. Dennison1,2,4, A. Saari1,2,4, Q. Zhu1,2,4, T. Nelson1,2,4, P. Morley1,2,4, E. Itshayek1,3,4,5, T. Oxland1,2,3,4, P. A. Cripton1,2,3,4
1Orthopaedic and Injury Biomechanics Group, University of British Columbia; 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia; 3Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia; 4International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries, University of British Columbia; 5Department of Neurosurgery, Hadassah – Hebrew University Hospital
Chest injuries of vulnerable road users – application of the THOMO model to a frontal crash setup
D. Gierczycka-Zbrozek, J. Toczyski
Warsaw University of Technology
Multilayer quasi-linear viscoelastic characterization of porcine aorta using nanoidentation
A. Hemmasizadeh1, S. Assari1, K. Darvish1, M. Autieri2
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Temple University; 2Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Temple University
Material properties of the post-mortem small intestine in high-rate equibiaxial elongation
M. Howes, W. Hardy
Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University, Center for Injury Biomechanics
Modeling trajectories of human volunteers in low-speed frontal impacts using Bezier curves
M. Samuels1,2,3, T. Seacrist2, M. P. Reed4, K. B. Arbogast2,5
1Brigham Young University; 2Center for Injury Research and Prevention, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; 3Utah State University; 4University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute; 5Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Validation of a full body finite element model in lateral sled and drop impacts
N. A. Vavalle, D. P. Moreno, J. D. Stitzel, F. S. Gayzik
Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences
Improving spine biofidelity of HYBRID-III 6-year-old ATD
J. Wu1,2, L. Cao2, J. Hu1
1University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute; 2State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University
A new corridor development method for clavicle finite element model validation
Q. Zhang, J. Kerrigan, M. Kindig, J. Crandall
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia