2014 Poster Presentations
Mechanical Heterogeneity of Rat Brain Measured using a Micro-Indentation Technique
Soroush Assari, Ali Hemmasizadeh, Kurosh Darvish
Temple University
Development of a Hybrid-III to Human Leg Transfer Function for Axial Loading
Ann M. Bailey, Matthew B. Panzer, Robert S. Salzar
University of Virginia
PMHS Shoulder Stiffness Determined by Lateral and Oblique Impacts
Sarah Caupp1, Yun Seok Kang1, Kevin Moorhouse2, Brian Suntay2, Rod Herriott3, John Bolte IV1
1The Ohio State University, 2National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Vehicle Research and Testing Center, 3National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Transportation Research Center
Isometric Bending Strength of the Cervical Spine Estimated from Moments Generated by Optimized Active Muscles in Flexion, Extension, and Lateral Bending
Hattie C. Cutcliffe1, Valeta Carol Chancey2, Roger W. Nightingale1, Barry S. Myers1
1Duke University, 2US Army Aeromedical Research Lab
Comparison of ATD and Human Body Models for Side Impact Scenarios
Veronika Dani, Donata Gierczycka, Duane Cronin
University of Waterloo
Mechanical Response and Brain Injury of Swine Subject to Free-Field Blast
Ke Feng, Srinivasu Kallakuri, Liying Zhang, Chaoyang Chen, John Cavanaugh, Albert I. King
Wayne State University
Modifying an Automotive based Finite Element Model of the Lower Extremity with High Rate Heel Properties for simulating a Blast Loading Condition
Lee F. Gabler, Matthew B. Panzer, Robert S. Salzar
University of Virginia
Computational Analysis of the Interaction of Q6 ATD and Roof Rail Mounted Side Curtain Airbag in the Second Row Rear Outboard Seating Positions
Todd Hullfish1, Aditya Belwadi2
1Drexel University, 2The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Injury Research and Prevention
Mitigation of Underbody Blast Injuries to the Lower Extremity by Optimization of Combat Boot Properties
Brandon Perry, Kyvory Henderson, Annie Bailey, Lee Gabler, Robert Salzar
University of Virginia
Restrained Children’s Spinal Injury Causation Scenarios in Motor Vehicle Crashes
Steven R. Scarfone1, Mark R. Zonfrillo2, Caitlin M. Locey2, Kristy B. Arbogast2
1University of Pennsylvania, 2The Children’s Hospital of Phildelphia, Center for Injury Research and Prevention
Quantifying the Effect of Ankle Posture on the Positions of Bones of the Foot/Ankle Complex for Injury-Prediction Studies
Chris Smolen, Cheryl E. Quenneville
McMaster University
Development and Validation of Human Head-Neck Model for Simulating Soft Tissue Injury in Cervical Spine
Zhengguang Wang, Runzhou Zhou, Liying Zhang
Wayne State University
Driver Lower Extremity Response to Out of Position Knee Airbag Deployment
Xin Ye, Matthew Panzer, Greg Shaw, Jeff Crandall
University of Virginia
2014 Oral Presentations
Development of a material model to simulate through-the-thickness transmission of vibration in the adult human skull
Sourabh Boruah, Damien L Subit, Jeff R. Crandall, Robert S. Salzar, Barry S. Shender, Glenn Paskoff
University of Virginia
Comparison of Q3s Biomechanical Responses to Pediatric Volunteers
Meagan Ita1, Thomas Seacrist2, Eric Dahle3, John Bolte IV1, Yun Seok Kang1
1The Ohio State University, 2The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 3Evenflo Company, Inc.
Evaluation of Pediatric ATD Biofidelity as Compared to Child Volunteers in Low-Speed Far-Side Oblique and Lateral Impacts
Dakota L. Jones1,Thomas Seacrist1, Caitlin M. Locey1, Emily A. Mathews1,2, Sriram Balasubramanian2, Matthew R. Maltese3,4, Kristy B. Arbogast1,4
1Center for Injury Research and Prevention, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University, 3Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 4Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Development, Validation, and Application of a Parametric Finite Element Femur Model
Katelyn Klein, Jonathan Rupp, Jingwen Hu
University of Michigan
High Rate Mechanical Behavior and Failure Properties of Aortic Tissue
Mobin Rastgar Agah1, Soroush Assari1, Alexander Rachev2, Kurosh Darvish1
1Temple University, 2Institute of Mechanics
Mechanical Response of the Cervical Spine Under Compression Loading
Carolyn Roberts, Jason Kerrigan
University of Virginia
Structural Properties of Ribs in Dynamic Frontal Loading as a Function of Age
Michelle Schafman1, Yun Seok Kang1, Kevin Moorhouse2, Amanda M. Agnew1
1The Ohio State University, 2National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Vehicle Research and Test Center
Development of Age and Sex-Specific Thorax Finite Element Models
Samantha L. Schoell, Ashley A. Weaver, Joel D. Stitzel
Virginia Tech-Wake Forest
Measuring Spinal Cord Swelling in a Porcine Model using Fiber Optic Pressure Sensors
Jacqueline Soicher1, Femke Streijger2, Brian Kwon2, Peter Cripton1
1University of British Columbia, 2International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries
The Effects of Lateral Eccentricity on Failure Loads and Injuries of the Cervical Spine in Head-First Impacts
Carolyn Van Toen, Angela D. Melnyk, John Street, Thomas R. Oxland, Peter A. Cripton
University of British Columbia
Biofidelity Assessment of the 6 Year Old ATDs in Side Impact
Jennifer Yaek, Yan Li, Preston Lemanski, John Cavanaugh
Wayne State University
Development and validation of rat head model to predict impact acceleration induced traumatic axonal injury
Runzhou Zhou
Wayne State University